

PORTEL has been awarded the “Project for the development and implementation of a capacity and rail-port circulation manager” for the Port Authority of Seville

The joint venture formed by Portel Logistic Technologies and Sener Ingeniería y Sistemas has been awarded the project for a contract value of more than 200,000 euros, with a completion period of 18 months.

This solution must cover the needs of the Andalusian port institution and achieve the objectives set out in the iRail project (Interperability of the rail system with TAF TSI in TEN-T Corridors). Among them are those of boosting the transport of goods by rail, improving interoperability in the exchange of information in European services through digitisation and the use of technical standards and enabling the digitisation of the procedures established by railway companies in their safety management systems, in order to guarantee safety in the management of their operations.

The main objective of the project is to improve intermodality in the exchange of information in European rail freight services through digitisation and the use of the TAF TSI technical standards (Technical Specification for Interoperability for Telematics Applications in Freight Transport), defined in the Interoperability Directive 797/EC/2016.
It is also intended to enable the digitisation of the procedures established by railway companies in their safety management systems, with the aim of guaranteeing safety in the management of their operations, as the project contemplates the interaction of various rail freight transport actors, such as: railway companies, infrastructure managers, port authorities, wagon owners, intermodal operators and customs institutions.

This project adds to the strategies of the Port Authority of Seville to advance in its digitalised management model of the Port of Seville already initiated through the AIRIS project, focused on the digitalisation of the Guadalquivir for the optimisation of the passage of ships, based on the RIS standard which, together with the inclusion of rail intermodality, through this project, will advance in aspects of consolidating the digital transformation and synchromodality in the operations.

To see more about the AIRIS project access the link AIRIS PROJECT Digitisation of the Guadalquivir: https://youtu.be/HoRK8m6lCK8