

Portel offers a DUEWEB training day at th chamber of commerce of Lanzarote

On 14th December, Portel gave a training day in Arrecife on its management tool DUEWeb, organized under the Collaboration Agreement between the Island Council and the Official Chamber of Commerce and the Industry and Navigation of Lanzarote to be familiar with managing PIF and RAH in the Port of Arrecife, as well as promoting import and export.

It was on the occasion of the entry into force of the latest legislative amendments and changes resulting from the publication of the Order FOM/1320/2016 (on port reception facilities for ship-generated waste and cargo residues) and the amendments to WASDIS (waste notification) and PAXLST (crew and passenger list) have led to modifications in the DUEWeb request system for dockings and have been operative in the Single Window in the Ports of Las Palmas.

For this reason, during the DUEWeb training day, Portel has transmitted the necessary knowledge and skills for optimal use of the web application and trained users, mainly shippers, in the massive loading of data in an efficient way that facilitates the incorporation of this information in DUEWeb. It thereby expedites the processing required for compliance such as Shipping Operatives.

Thanks to the joint collaboration of both organizations and the support from Portel, the training was extremely positive and served to clarify doubts, optimize the use of the application, improve the general understanding of the legislative changes and strengthen the relationship and interest in the innovation for ICT use among professionals in the sector.

* In the photo: Pedro García and Miguel Segundo, Innovation and Technical Area of Portel..