For the first time, PORTEL Logistic Technologies participates in TOC Americas, celebrated at the Hard Rock Megapolis Hotel in Panama City between the 13th and 15th of November. The leading company in the ICT field for the port sector will sponsor the Tech TOC program, which will gather international experts in technological innovation and development for ports and infrastructures.
Besides sponsoring the conference program, PORTEL will participate in TOC Americas with their own stand, where the company’s CEO, Jorge Torrent, and its Sales Director, Daniel Merino, will be at the disposal of visitors and professionals. “TOC is an open window to the American Port Sector, and at PORTEL, we want to learn from the technological innovations that are presented here, collaborate with the sector’s local players and display the ICT solutions that we have developed and that are already changing the way of managing ports in Europe and Northern Africa”.
This is why, at TOC Americas, PORTEL will display the advantages of their Terminal Operating System (TOS), Termes, a platform that integrates the features of the Port Community Systems (PCS) to cover all the needs of the port terminals with a configuration adapted to the management model of most American ports.
Furthermore, Jorge Torrent will actively participate in the conference program with the lecture “Operations, security and environmental management systems in port facilities, about integrated monitoring platforms”, in which he will explain Portel’s view on the possibilities that the monitoring and integration platforms offer in order to extend the control and management of port terminals beyond the vessel, esplanade and gate operations, already included in the TOS management systems.
These platforms allow the integration of systems as diverse as the ones related to security, protection or the environment, or to expand functionalities in the B2B or B2G relations that normally don’t include TOS management systems and are more likely to involve PCS.
PORTEL is the leading company in the ICT field for the port sector thanks to their portfolio of highly specialized solutions. Recently, PORTEL has opened up a new expansion phase based on the innovation and internationalization of their products, as well as on their diversification, since they can be applied in different logistics related sectors.
This new phase begins after the acquisition of the company shares by the group GTD Sistemas de Información (GTD Information Systems), whose know-how and specialization in software engineering and high-criticality solutions in different sectors certainly contributes to the optimization and quality of the new products, and therefore also to the expansion of PORTEL’s business.
MADRID. 13/11/2018