

Space Cargo joins Air Freight Solution’s client family

Since last May, Space Cargo is part of the list of international transport companies that use our Air Freight Solution (AFS) software for managing and optimizing their processes, through a secure interchange of digital information.

With a company as representative as Space Cargo joining the AFS softwarePORTEL participates with a large percentage of the total e-freight shipments of the Spanish market.

The company continues working towards a complete digitalization of the air freight processes helping to save time, recourses and unnecessary displacements for all the actors involved. It’s also a way to reduce the environmental impact.

Ultimately, AFS is consolidating as an important tool for building a cargo community system facilitating processes as well as both B2B and B2G communications.

You can find more information about our Group on the GTD website and here at PORTEL

Madrid, 7.20.2018