In the meeting, apart from giving the ‘kick-off’ to the project, the objective of improving intermodality in the exchange of information in European rail freight services by means of digitalisation and the use of TAF TSI technical standards was discussed, as well as the APS’s path towards digitalisation and improvement of its management of rail-port infrastructures.
Also, the proposal to follow an advanced service integration platform using a FIWARE platform was shown, visualising some of the ideas designed for the dashboards foreseen in the platform (different user interfaces) together with the architecture of the platform to be used. Then, the work plan for the implementation was discussed and analysed, as well as the work team that will carry out the whole project and the plan for the communication and dissemination of the project, helping to have a greater impact in conferences and forums to promote the knowledge of the project and its development.
Finally, the meeting ended with the next steps to be taken to continue with the development of the project.
All this was presented by our Head of Business Development, Pedro García, together with the staff that will form part of the project team, with the intervention of the Deputy General Manager of PORTEL, Daniel Merino Blanco, who had a few words of thanks and consolidation of the role of PORTEL in the development of this exciting project; supported and sharing the same impressions by Xavier Pascual, Corporate Director of Ports, Water and Environment of SENER.